Bo Xilai affair has, without doubt, been China Watcher's flavour of
the month, worthy of the very best day time Soaps.
minutia of the story bears no repeating here for most will be more than familiar with this saga of a
flamboyant politician, his scheming wife and murder in the Orient.
for me the stand-out feature about this whole affair is not the facts
of what Bo and his wife did, the way they did it, nor, even, that they
got caught. The most telling thing for me is that it took so long.
fact alone speaks volumes as to the state of the Chinese Communist
Party and the inner workings of the elite and, therein, lays the main story; the Bo's relegated to roles of but bit-part walk-on actors.
graft, call it what you will, is endemic in China. Everyone is aware
of that. Even the Regime routinely calls upon the Chinese people and,
most ironically, it's own members to be conscious of and to take all
steps to eradicate it.
affects almost all areas of commerce and is known to be rife in most
levels of officialdom. The Chinese press regularly reports the arrest
or sentencing of those involved, generally just low to medium level fall guys (two notable and fairly recent exceptions notwithstanding).
would seem to be a case of who hasn't got their snout in the trough
rather than who has.
despite these “public relations” exhortations and show trials, corruption not only continues unabated but appears to be growing in reach. It
protects criminals of all hues, it shields the likes of illicit coal
mine owners covering up accidents and even deaths. There is, in other
words, little of Chinese society that is not touched by it's clammy
hands to some degree.
is not a new phenomena. It has it's roots farther back than the CCP
coming to power. It was an accepted part of Chinese culture for
centuries. In Dynastic times it was a deeply held aspiration of many
to one day rise to a position to be able to dip into the pot of gold, to take
one's position at the pigs trough. Even poor peasants would sacrifice
everything to assist their sons in getting even the most minor of
positions in officialdom, for that was the door to money and
corruption in olden days, dynastic days, had a certain savoir
faire air of 'honour among thieves', a modern day Mafia Omertà,
that was respected not only within the ranks but also from those on
the outside looking in. That is no longer the case.
Stories, too numerous to recount, abound as to examples of it's insidious reach: poor people being dispossessed of their land entitlements, of dying people being refused medical care through the inability to “grease the right palms”. Seemingly, since the demise of the Qing Dynasty the grab for money has become boldfaced and indiscriminate as to it's nature and it's targets.
Stories, too numerous to recount, abound as to examples of it's insidious reach: poor people being dispossessed of their land entitlements, of dying people being refused medical care through the inability to “grease the right palms”. Seemingly, since the demise of the Qing Dynasty the grab for money has become boldfaced and indiscriminate as to it's nature and it's targets.
longer is it generally seen as being a widely accepted given of
Chinese society, it now is but an aberration of a way of life that
goes back to Confucian times. The blatant headlong lunge for money
and the 'pornographic' flaunting of the wealth so gained, has become
an anathema to it's history.
Bo affair is alarming not for what he did but for the fact that it
took so long for the party to “catch” him. It speaks to
'masonic' like collusion at the highest levels of the party,
reaching to the very Politburo itself.
a society like China and within a group like the Chinese Communist
Party, with it's inherent nature of suspicion, it would seem to have
been impossible given what Bo and his family was doing for him to
have gotten away with for so long. Either blind eyes where
turned to it or, more than likely, the practice was so widespread to
be considered the norm.
The CCP even has an oversight committee called the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Communist Party of China whose responsibility is the investigation and exposure of corruption and malfeasance among Communist Party of China members and to ensure the probity of high officials including members of the Politburo.
extrapolation of this would mean that the Hus' and the Wens' of the
CCP are themselves equally as guilty, be it in practice, or, at
least by omission.
Minxin Pei stated in a recent article
in Project Syndicate
Personal misdeeds or character flaws did not trigger Bo’s fall from power; these were well known. He was simply a loser in a contest with those who felt threatened by his ambition and ruthlessness.
Bo, the former Party chief of Chongqing, has come to symbolize the systemic rot and dysfunction at the core of a regime often viewed as effective, flexible, and resilient.
other words blind eyes were turned and only opened when Bo rose to a
position of potential threat. What we therefore are witnessing with
the Bo affair is the exposure of the internal rot in the CCP at the
very centre, the pinnacle of it's power. A pyramid of rot at the lowest and
highest levels. A rot, long perhaps suspected, but one, till now, unexposed as to its insidiousness and pervasiveness .
errant school boys this time have got away with it. They have been
one step ahead of the principal. Able to clear away the empty beer
bottles and the spent cigarette butts they have however left the
stench of their party for all to smell. Their stories have been
agreed, a fall guy has been chosen as temporal sacrifice. This time
it has been a close call but not the next.
Bo Affair will not bring about the immediate fall of the CCP regime.
It will not usher in a “Chinese Spring “, as some have
predicted, but it does mark the beginning of the end. It marks the
start of what will, over the next ten years under Xi's leadership, be
a veritable scramble from pillars to posts for ways and means to
forestall the inevitable.
A train wreck at Wenzhou last year took the shine off the CCP's 90th Anniversary celebrations.
A 'train wreck “ this year has stripped away the underlying skin to expose an apple rotten to it's core.
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